Khs. 2,200,000

Land for Sale at Mtondia

Residential -

The registered owner of Plot No. KILIFI/MTONDIA/3222 wishes to sell the land.

The particulars of the Plot

Plot No. : KILIFI/MTONDIA/3222

Approximate Area : 0.0448 Ha


The subject property is located at Mtondia in Kilifi Municipality-Kilifi County. It is Off the Mtondia – Bofa tarmac road to the right on your way to Bofa.

Satellite image showing location of land for sale and the neighborhood

Satellite image showing property location

Onsite development

The property is still vacant and is fenced all round.

Neighborhood characteristics

Residential developments are the most dominant within the neighborhood. Other land uses within are agricultural, commercial e.g. Mtondia Trading Centre, Light Industrial e.g. Shell Petrol and Service Station, and the Supa Loaf bakery, and public purpose e.g. Mtondia Despensary, Mtondia Comprehensive School and the Chief’s camp.

The following basic infrastructure are available.

  1. Access Road. The site is accessible through a murram road approximately 50m long to the Mtondia – Bofa tarmac road.
  2. Water. The neighborhood receives water from Kilifi-Mariakani Water and Sewerage Company (KIMAWASCO) and therefore, the properties will access water supply service.
  3. Electricity. the property is accessible to electricity power as evidenced by the presence of KPLC national grid lines within the neighborhood.
Property Features
  • Land is 0.04 hectare