best RTK correction services and GNSS training

best RTK correction services and GNSS training

Where should I find RTK correction services? worry no more. Here we are linking you to solution.

Muya CORS provides Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) corrections and Post-Processing (PP) services utilizing a network of Continuously Operating Global Navigation Satellite Systems(GNSS) Reference Stations (CORSs). Our CORS tracks all available GNSS satellites including GPS, GLONASS, BEIDOU and Galileo.  It also provides static data RINEX files thereby increasing redundancy in static observations and precision of positioning. The solutions of our CORS are based on the most current  ITRF realization(ITRF2014). The CORS are also fixed with respect to Kenya datum.

RTK correction

We are providing GNSS base stations and therefore no need for RTK GNSS base station. This saves users on GNSS base receiver costs and time usually taken in setting it up!  Users only require a GNSS Rover and register with us. On registration, users automatically receive individual logging details to receive RTK corrections including IPs, Port, user name and password.

On registration users simply Connect, Correct, and Measure 24/7.

RTK corrections are available

  • Single CORS  RTK corrections: from the nearest CORS to the User including Nearest RTCM 3.2, 3.1 and 2.3
  • Networked CORS RTK corrections: averaged corrections from at least 3 nearest CORS including VRS 3.2, 3.1 and 2.3

Expected positioning accuracies

  • 1cm accuracy within 30km from the CORS
  • 5cm accuracy within 50km from the CORS
  • 10cm accuracy within 100km from the CORS
  • 50cm accuracy within 400km from the CORS
  • 1cm accuracy within VRS covered areas

GNSS training

Muya CORS also offers GNSS Training packages designed for existing surveyors and engineers. A basic understanding of survey or setting out practices is required. If you are interested in taking part in a training course please contact us with your requirements and a member of the training team will be in contact to discuss your requirements.

When it comes to customer training and development, they’re working hard to bring something different to the table. In addition to technical support, they also understand that high quality training is critical and key to unlocking the full potential of your GNSS survey equipment. Their structured training programmes will enable you to take full advantage of your instrument’s capabilities, and improve your workflow both in the field and the office, with a view to increasing your productivity and streamlining your project workflows.


They offer a flexible selection of training packages to suit your company’s needs,experience and time frame, as well as the option to create your own based around the specific requirements of your project or organization.

GNSS RTK configuration & practice

This course is designed to introduce individuals to the theory and practice of using RTK GNSS for centimeter-level positioning.
Upon completion of the course the participants will be able to:

  • Understand overview of GNSS Technologies
  • Identify the errors associated  with GNSS and mitigation measures
  • Continuously Observation Reference  Stations(CORS)
  • Understand the coordinates systems
  • Concept of RTK
  • Configuration practice on RTK Base/Rover, CORS/Rover using Microsurvey Fieldgenius and Android based GNSS field  software
  • Practice field works on RTK using Base/Rover, CORS/RTK using Microsurvey Fieldgenius and Android based GNSS field  software

GNSS data processing

This course is suitable for those who have survey experience on carrying their static GNSS observations and require to gain practical skills on GNSS data processing.

Upon completion of the course the participants will be able to:

  • Understand overview of GNSS Technologies
  • Understand coordinate systems
  • Identify  various  GNSS data processing  software
  • Identify  various GNSS  data   and  data formats and  conversions
  • Identify and use GNSS  data  from available CORS networks
  • Understand the general flow/process  of GNSS  data processing
  • Practice using selected  software(Users may request)

GNSS CORS training

Theory: 1. Basic RTK concept, 2. Components of CORS, 3. Surveying with CORS, 4. Advantages of using CORS, 5. RTK Services in Kenya.
Practical: 1. Register with CORS service provider, 2. Subscribe RTK corrections, 3. Rover configuration, 4. Surveying with CORS

Georole Ltd,

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principles of land policy (article 60 of the constitution of kenya)

principles of land policy (article 60 of the constitution of kenya)

A land policy can be defined as a set of rules and guidelines that govern how a country’s administration will govern, manage and administer land in that country.

The principles of land policy

Land in Kenya shall be held, used and managed in a manner that is equitable, efficient, productive and sustainable, and in accordance with the following Principles

  • equitable access to land;land policy
  • security of land rights;
  • sustainable and productive management of land resources;
  • transparent and cost-effective administration of land;
  • sound conservation and protection of ecologically sensitive areas;
  • elimination of gender discrimination in law, customs and practices related to land and property in land; and
  • encouragement of communities to settle land disputes through recognised local community initiatives consistent with this Constitution.

These principles shall be implemented through a national land policy developed and reviewed regularly by the national government and through legislation.

Georole Ltd,

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property boundary

property boundary

Property boundary is an imaginary line at the ground surface, and its vertical extension that separates the real property owned by one person from that property owned by another person.

How to determine the actual location of your property boundary?

Land titles give an indication of boundary dimensions by making reference to a diagram i.e. map. However, only a licensed surveyor can determine the actual location of your property boundaries. If you are buying property, you need to know and be sure of what you are getting. This is possible through engaging a licensed surveyor to rightly define the property boundary of what you are about to purchase, otherwise brokers and the land owner can trick you into paying more for less.

The surveyor gives you a form of protection in addition to clarifying what you have bought, since it will reveal any encroachments or other irregularities. The surveyor will mark the exact corners of your site with survey monuments.

Fencing your property by erecting fences around your property gives you many benefits. You can decide how your area will look, once you have the boundary. Some of the benefits include:

Increase the degree of protection.

It acts as a deterrent to outside people who may wish to intrude on your home. You can also keep away thieves and burglars with the use of these fences..

Insuring your property

Due to added protection, there is increased chances of one to get lower premium quotes for his/her homeowner’s insurance. This lower financial risk just in case anything negative occur. With discounts from your premiums, you are able to gain more savings and spend it on other needs.

Value addition

When it comes to financial gain, adding up fences around your property increases the latter’s value. If you intend to sell your property, you will get it appraised by authorities. Authorities give more weight to properties that are well protected. This is why you can enjoy a higher price for your property.

property boundary

Delineate property lines

In legal sense, a fence can delineate your property boundary properly. This will somehow reduce the possibilities of fights and quarrels with neighbours since you and they know where your area of responsibility stops thus, fences can actually contribute to the peace and order that each community is experiencing.

Promotion of psychological safety and security.

If the latter two are your primary reasons for building a fence, then it is only reasonable to deduce that the fence is going to be of considerable height. It can block the vision of people from the outside towards the inside of your home. Thus, better privacy can be enjoyed too.

conclution and recommendations

Many people face challenges to identify property boundary (ies) when buying land. This has become very critical in these times where land grabbing and trespass are common. People are conscious of boundaries in the fear of encroachers on their land. This is a natural instinct people are born with. If animals can mark their territories in various ways, why not humans?

The physical property boundary may be a fence, wall or a hedge, mark stones among others. It follows the line of the legal architect is usually the best person to consult on the kind of boundary you would like to put up. “The options and configurations are unlimited. The decision to have live fence or wall, hedge or chain link can be well articulated by an architect

Every piece of land, whether registered or not, has legal boundaries. The legal boundary is an imaginary or invisible
line that divides one person’s property from another. In the urban setting, boundary walls are very popular and are in various designs. They give a sense of security. They can be built from burnt bricks, cement blocks, stone or concrete. The finishes also range from plasters, claddings and stone pitching. Some developers grow creepers on the walls to tone down its boring appearance.

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Georole Ltd,

Land surveying | Valuation & AdvisoryProperty & Estate Agency | Physical & Land Use Planning | Environmental Management | Architecture & Landscaping

Contact: 0113209028

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constitutional classification of land in kenya (article 61,62,63 & 64)

constitutional classification of land in kenya (article 61,62,63 & 64)

classification of land:All land in Kenya belongs to the people of Kenya collectively as a nation, as communities and as individuals. Land in Kenya is classified as public, community or private.

Public Land

  1. Public land is;
  • land which at the effective date was unalienated government land as defined by an Act of Parliament in force at the effective date;
  • land lawfully held, used or occupied by any State organ, except any such land that is occupied by the State organ as lessee under a private lease;
  • land transferred to the State by way of sale, reversion or surrender;
  • land in respect of which no individual or community ownership can be established by any legal process;
  • land in respect of which no heir can be identified by any legal process;
  • all minerals and mineral oils as defined by law;
  • government forests other than forests to which Article 63 (2) (d) (i) applies, government game reserves, water catchment areas, national parks, government animal sanctuaries, and specially protected areas;
  • all roads and thoroughfares provided for by an Act of Parliament;
  • all rivers, lakes and other water bodies as defined by an Act of Parliament;
  • the territorial sea, the exclusive economic zone and the sea bed;
  • the continental shelf;
  • all land between the high and low water marks;
  • any land not classified as private or community land under this Constitution; and
  • any other land declared to be public land by an Act of Parliament i). in force at the effective date; or ii). enacted after the effective date.
  1. Public land shall vest in and be held by a county government in trust for the people resident in the county, and shall be administered on their behalf by the National Land Commission, if it is classified under
  • clause (1) (a), (c), (d) or (e); and
  • clause (1) (b), other than land held, used or occupied by a national State organ.
  1. Public land classified under clause (1) (f) to (m) shall vest in and be held by the national government in trust for the people of Kenya and shall be administered on their behalf by the National Land Commission.
  2. Public land shall not be disposed of or otherwise used except in terms of an Act of Parliament specifying the nature and terms of that disposal or use.

Community Land

  1. Community land shall vest in and be held by communities identified on the basis of ethnicity, culture or similar community of interest.
  2. Community land consists of –
  • land lawfully registered in the name of group representatives under the provisions of any law;
  • land lawfully transferred to a specific community by any process of law;
  • any other land declared to be community land by an Act of Parliament; and
  • land that is: 1. lawfully held, managed or used by specific communities as community forests, grazing areas or shrines; 2. ancestral lands and lands traditionally occupied by hunter-gatherer communities; or 3. lawfully held as trust land by the county governments, but not including any public land held in trust by the county government under Article 62 (2).
  1. Any unregistered community land shall be held in trust by county governments on behalf of the communities for which it is held.
  2. Community land shall not be disposed of or otherwise used except in terms of legislation specifying the nature and extent of the rights of members of each community individually and collectively.
  3. Parliament shall enact legislation to give effect to this Article.

Private Land

Private land consists of –

  • registered land held by any person under any freehold tenure;
  • land held by any person under leasehold tenure; and
  • any other land declared private land under an Act of Parliament.

classification of land

Don’t hesitate to contact Georole  for advice and whenever you need to know all about land ownership and classification.

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real-time kinematic (RTK) Survey

real-time kinematic (RTK) Survey

What is Real-time kinematic?

Real-time kinematic, also known as RTK,  is a surveying technology which measures the relative positions while using two different Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) antennas in real-time with better accuracy. The errors found in GNSS results are decided and fixed using RTK technology. The new generation of intelligent RTK systems provide reception of all available satellite signals. Because of this, slope measurement can be taken without centering and calibration increases productivity by 20%. With this high tech technology, it ensures continuation of a RTK survey incase of temporary interruption of correction signal reception.

Components and Working of Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) Survey

An RTK setup consists of two receivers. One of them, called the base station or GNNS receiver, is stationary, while the second receiver called rover moves freely.

The base station is a static point whose coordinates are fixed and determined by other precision methods in surveying. It uses GNSS to compute errors in this point by comparing it to its precise location. The error determined is transmitted in real-time to the rover. The objective of the antenna at the base station is to remain at one point and send the corrections to the moving receiver.

Rover uses these corrections to improve its computed position from the GNSS and achieve centimeter-level precision. More than one rover is used and can be connected to one base if their input settings match with the output from the base.

Traditional GNSS receivers measure the time taken for a signal to travel from a satellite to the receiver. These receivers determine the position with 2-4 meter accuracy. But the incorporation of RTK gives the relative position in centimeter accuracy.

RTK is mainly used for construction applications that require higher frequency like cadastral survey, drone navigation, and other construction activities.

real-time kinematic

Benefits of RTK

  • RTK technology provides centimeter-level accuracy and eliminates human errors caused in traditional surveying.
  • RTK systems rely on satellite, radio positioning and communication, thereby helping conduct surveying faster than traditional methods.
  • RTK survey helps to develop construction layouts quickly.

RTK is mainly used for construction applications that require higher frequency like cadastral survey, drone navigation, and other construction activities. This technology is unavailable in marine areas, lands with obstructions such as trees, mountains, etc. , or projects that could disrupt communication. The RTK system requires a pre-surveyed base station with known coordinates beforehand.

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construction survey

construction survey

A construction survey is used to determine reference points on a property that will provide guidance to the workers on a construction site. Construction surveys are extremely important and a necessity for every construction site; whether for commercial development, residential development, or state and federal development projects.

Essentially, this particular branch of surveying is concerned with the ‘setting out‘ or ‘staking’ out of a project. This involves staking out markers and reference points on the construction site that tells the contractors where to start building the new structure in question.

Companies that provide construction surveys in Kenya, such as GeoRole, Ltd. will mark the appropriate reference points at the construction site as well as on applicable site layout plans. They will work with the proper personnel to ensure the construction site is prepped and ready for development.

What is the construction survey process?

Construction surveying mostly focuses on the “setting out” or “staking” out of a project. In order to advise the builders where to begin construction of the new structure, markers and reference points must be staked out on the construction site.

This survey is necessary to identify the key surface features of the ground that may have an impact on the impending construction when building highways, roads, bridges, buildings, and other construction projects. The procedure seeks to establish computed survey points on the building site as a reference for site enhancements resulting from designs created by design experts.

To find any alterations made during construction, a survey is conducted. “As-built” surveys are carried out to pinpoint the precise location of points on a site as they have been erected and gauge the progress made to that point.

There are a number of different processes involved in completing a successful building survey.

  • Survey existing conditions of the work site: This includes looking at topography, existing infrastructure and buildings, and any underground infrastructure (such as diameters of sewers at nearby manholes)
  • Stake out corners: This involves physically staking out the corners of each plot, work area, services, and construction cabins location, as well as the markers and reference points that will be used to guide the build itself
  • Verification: This involves verifying the location of steelwork, blockwork etc , and implementing corrective instructions if necessary
  • Levelling: On each floor, horizontal control must be provided
  • ‘As-Built’ survey: Once the construction project is complete, the building surveyor will complete a survey in order to verify that specifications have been met as per the approved plans

Elements of construction surveys

  • wherever possible, do a survey of the site’s current conditions, including the terrain, existing structures and infrastructure, and subsurface infrastructure (for example, measuring invert elevations and diameters of sewers at manholes)
  • Place stakes at the corners of the lot, the work’s maximum scope, and the construction trailer’s location (clear of all excavation and construction)
  • Set up landmarks and references that will serve as a guide for the development of new structures.
  • Check the position of structures while they are being built
  • Control the horizontal plane on various floors
  • Perform an as-built survey to ensure that the work allowed was finished in accordance with the specifications specified in the plans.

why do you need a construction survey?

There are many reasons why you would need a  construction surveyor and below are a few examples:

  • Residential neighborhood developmentconstruction survey
  • Commercial property construction
  • State or Federal roadway projects
  • Power company substation development
  • Local governmental body new construction

As you can see, the list of reasons why you need a construction survey can be endless. Therefore, hiring a construction surveyor specialist should be a major requirement for your construction project. Look no further than Georole, ltd. for all of your construction surveying needs in Kenya. Contact us today.

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