According to Kenyan laws and regulations, before land is subdivided, the proponent shall apply for and secure approval of subdivision. Therefore, this article has been prepared to help you understand the procedure for obtaining a permit to subdivide or approval for subdivision of land within all the 47 counties in Kenya.

What is subdivision?

This refers to as the divisor of land into two or more parcels. The main purpose is to split a tract of land into smaller ones either for selling off of the land, to easy development independently or maximize the use of space of land.


The procedure for securing approval of subdivision involves:

  1. Drafting of a Subdivision Planning Brief explaining why the subdivision is i compatible with the policy as well as regulations, and a subdivision scheme showing the plots to be subdivide.
  2. Through a registered physical planner, make an application to the relevant County Government by filling in PLUPA 1 form (before 2019 amendment was PPA 1)
  3. Along with the dully filled PLUPA 1 form, attach the planning brief and subdivision scheme.
  4. Pay the requisite fee to the County government and the receipt annexed to the planning Brief presented to the County Government.

Requirements for securing approval of subdivision

  • Duly filled PLUPA 1 Form;
  • Certificate of official postal search;
  • Ownership documents;
  • Registry Index Map (RIM) or Survey Map;
  • Application fee receipt
  • Copy of payment receipt for land rates and Rates Clearance certificate;
  • Copy of the physical planners practising certificate;
  • Land Control Board consent to sub-divide the land;
  • Four copies of SUBDIVISION SCHEME plan and planning brief signed by a registered physical planner and the developer

Professional & Statutory Costs

The Statutory & Professionals Costs involved for the subdivision application are particularized below:

  1. Application fee (Fee is charged per plot subdivided and varies in different counties)
  2. PLUPA 1 form fee is Ksh.1000.
  3. Professional Fee is dependent particularly on the project size and its locality.


For evaluation purposes, the subdivision scheme is then circulated to the relevant county departments and Government agencies such like:

  • County Land Survey office where beacons and boundaries are confirmed. Road reservations and alignments are evaluated.
  • County planning office, where they check for zoning compliance, planning standards and specifications

After all the above is done, the process of securing the approval approval of subdivision reaches a final stage. The County Government through the department of physical planning and urban development issues the approvals. The communication is done by County Director of physical planning through form PLUPA 2 where the approvals issued are usually conditional and are binding on the owner, successors and permitted assigns.


Georole Ltd hopes that this article have sufficiently covered the procedure of obtaining a permit or approval of subdivision in Kenya. Should you however need further clarifications, we remain available for further consultation. Kindly reach us through here