Property boundary is an imaginary line at the ground surface, and its vertical extension that separates the real property owned by one person from that property owned by another person.

How to determine the actual location of your property boundary?

Land titles give an indication of boundary dimensions by making reference to a diagram i.e. map. However, only a licensed surveyor can determine the actual location of your property boundaries. If you are buying property, you need to know and be sure of what you are getting. This is possible through engaging a licensed surveyor to rightly define the property boundary of what you are about to purchase, otherwise brokers and the land owner can trick you into paying more for less.

The surveyor gives you a form of protection in addition to clarifying what you have bought, since it will reveal any encroachments or other irregularities. The surveyor will mark the exact corners of your site with survey monuments.

Fencing your property by erecting fences around your property gives you many benefits. You can decide how your area will look, once you have the boundary. Some of the benefits include:

Increase the degree of protection.

It acts as a deterrent to outside people who may wish to intrude on your home. You can also keep away thieves and burglars with the use of these fences..

Insuring your property

Due to added protection, there is increased chances of one to get lower premium quotes for his/her homeowner’s insurance. This lower financial risk just in case anything negative occur. With discounts from your premiums, you are able to gain more savings and spend it on other needs.

Value addition

When it comes to financial gain, adding up fences around your property increases the latter’s value. If you intend to sell your property, you will get it appraised by authorities. Authorities give more weight to properties that are well protected. This is why you can enjoy a higher price for your property.

property boundary

Delineate property lines

In legal sense, a fence can delineate your property boundary properly. This will somehow reduce the possibilities of fights and quarrels with neighbours since you and they know where your area of responsibility stops thus, fences can actually contribute to the peace and order that each community is experiencing.

Promotion of psychological safety and security.

If the latter two are your primary reasons for building a fence, then it is only reasonable to deduce that the fence is going to be of considerable height. It can block the vision of people from the outside towards the inside of your home. Thus, better privacy can be enjoyed too.

conclution and recommendations

Many people face challenges to identify property boundary (ies) when buying land. This has become very critical in these times where land grabbing and trespass are common. People are conscious of boundaries in the fear of encroachers on their land. This is a natural instinct people are born with. If animals can mark their territories in various ways, why not humans?

The physical property boundary may be a fence, wall or a hedge, mark stones among others. It follows the line of the legal architect is usually the best person to consult on the kind of boundary you would like to put up. “The options and configurations are unlimited. The decision to have live fence or wall, hedge or chain link can be well articulated by an architect

Every piece of land, whether registered or not, has legal boundaries. The legal boundary is an imaginary or invisible
line that divides one person’s property from another. In the urban setting, boundary walls are very popular and are in various designs. They give a sense of security. They can be built from burnt bricks, cement blocks, stone or concrete. The finishes also range from plasters, claddings and stone pitching. Some developers grow creepers on the walls to tone down its boring appearance.

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