Housing is a feature of Development Planning with focus on provisions of domestic shelter, residential facilities and utilities for families. A real home is defined as provision of shelter to protect the dwellers from elements of the weather with water and other services, security of tenure (land title) and safety, (UN declaration, IYSH-1987: International Year of Shelter for the Homeless).

Over the centuries, human societies have tackled the problem of providing the basic need of shelter in a variety of ways: by adapting to the natural environment and; by making use of the environmentally provided materials (local materials) for construction to give a “sheltered space”.


A house is a commodity, whose value is determined by what it can fetch in the market place [financial institutions]. The house owner uses the house as an expression of his aspirations and can be used as a collateral security to secure a loan or credit facility.


Refers to accommodation, structures or other buildings where people collectively live. Housing is the provision of permanent shelter for human habitation. Access to adequate housing or the provision of shelter is a basic need or fundamental or basic human right enshrined in the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights”. Since Shelter provision is a basic need, i.e. necessary for everyone, the problem of providing adequate housing has long been the concern to individuals as well as governments Housing provision policies are specified for particular settlements and cannot be generalized. Itis relevant to cultural, social economic circumstances and environmental conditions and even sometimes, political issues.

Lack of housing is a manifestation of poverty. However, given the chance, the poor will wish to escape from their poverty situation by actively and innovatively seeking to improve their living conditions and livelihood. Decisions on housing provisions should be by participatory approach – the final decision on which kind of shelter to be provided must rest with the people concerned to meet their felt needs i.e. needs and priorities. The role of local government is to be a facilitator by providing appropriate regulations or guidelines and framework for housing development.

Objectives of housing provisions

Housing offers a complex mix of activities under one roof and in all this, the main purpose to be achieved includes the following:

  • Protection from extremes of the climate e.g heat, humidity, rainfall, snow, dust and wind;
  • for personal or group security;
  • for promotion of social living: shelter provision supremely focuses on social living because humans are social creatures;

Housing Estate

A planned area of houses or apartment buildings, usually built at the same time to a similar design, sometimes with a number of small shops.

Housing Development

A planned area of houses or apartment buildings, usually built at the same time to a similar design, and managed by the same person or company

Low-Cost Housing Area [Housing Project]

A group of houses or apartment buildings built with public money for low-income earners or families.

Housing Scheme

A housing estate built by a local authority (if public housing scheme),originally made up of homes to be rented by public housing tenants, usually with subsidy.Housing schemes are not very popular in recent times.

Housing Association

An organization providing adequate housing or accommodation facilities.


The right to adequate housing is more than having a roof over one’s head, it is the right to live in safety and dignity in a decent home. This is charaterised by security, clean environment, affordable, access to basic utilities, ventilation, etc.
